eBook by Lucas CzarneckiIf you’ve ever had a question about design measurements, this is for you. Rather than going into the x-height, kerning, or other things that can be measured, this guide is meant to explain the units in which …
Branding the Cville Design Week
Everyone has little crazy ideas. Sometimes they’re crazy enough to forget, and sometimes they’re crazy enough… they just might work. I’ve launched a tiny design festival in my town of Charlottesville, Virginia. It took place in mid-November and it was …
An interview with Georg Seifert
Georg Seifert is one of my favorite people in the type industry. He’s a type designer and programmer, most known as the founder of GlyphsApp (one of the best type design tools around). I meet Georg time and time again …
An interview with Dr. Fiona Ross
Dr. Fiona Ross is a type designer and educator who has spent her career outside of Latin type. Instead of going the normal route, Fiona started her career in philology and has developed many of the world’s most popular non-Latin …