Tip #14: Use curly quotes when quoting

There are two different marks that look pretty similar, hatch marks (' & ") and curly quotes(‘, ’, “, & ”) Hatch marks show feet: 4'; and inches: 11". Curly quotes show contractions: can’t; and quotes: “No way, I’m not …

Tip #12: Don’t be afraid to copy

No one ever came out of the womb an amazing designer. Hell, no one even ever taught themselves design. We all have teachers. We all have mentors. They could have died a hundred years ago—or we might not know their …

Tip #11: Use a true ellipses, not 3 full stops

When you’re typing, make sure to swap in a true ellipses (…) in place of three full stops (…). Your computer may do this on its own, so double-check by clicking the left arrow key and making sure it’s one …

Tip #10: Keep your measure between 45 and 70

The measure of a paragraph Is the number of characters (letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation, etc.) wide it is. I.e. Here’s a line of text: Every morning, I love good type and hate sheep-thieves. The measure is: 45 If the measure …