How to pick the best font.

Picking the right font for a project is honestly difficult. Where do you even start? You have dozens or hundreds of fonts installed on your computer… And scrolling through them feels like a never-ending task that usually leads nowhere. So …

44—You don’t need a personal logo.

Don’t worry. You don’t need a personal logo. Why not? Because your name is unique enough. Do I have a logo? Hell no. I don’t even think about it. Really. If you went through my notebooks, the most recent “Lucas …

42—Create story with layout

Layout is a powerful tool to create intrigue and guide the eye over time. There aren’t hard-and-fast rules here; every composition is an experiment. Here are examples of some pretty successful ones: This poster by Josef Müller-Brockmann (the best poster …

41—Create story with color

One of the key ways to create a story in your design is to use transitions and contrasts of color. For example, using a gradient in your design is an easy way to lead the eye from one place to …