Tip #27: The Difference between Obliques and Italics

Most people don’t realize this, but Italics are actually an entirely different alphabet than the lowercase roman alphabet. Italic letters are constructed differently to resemble hand writing—they do not have to be slanted. I repeat: Italic does not mean slanted. …

Tip #14: Use curly quotes when quoting

There are two different marks that look pretty similar, hatch marks (' & ") and curly quotes(‘, ’, “, & ”) Hatch marks show feet: 4'; and inches: 11". Curly quotes show contractions: can’t; and quotes: “No way, I’m not …

Tip #11: Use a true ellipses, not 3 full stops

When you’re typing, make sure to swap in a true ellipses (…) in place of three full stops (…). Your computer may do this on its own, so double-check by clicking the left arrow key and making sure it’s one …