Tip #10: Keep your measure between 45 and 70

The measure of a paragraph Is the number of characters (letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation, etc.) wide it is. I.e. Here’s a line of text: Every morning, I love good type and hate sheep-thieves. The measure is: 45 If the measure …

Tip #8: Flush left to avoid ugly “rivers”

When you’re writing—you usually have a few options for text alignment—at least, in MS Word, you can flush left, center, flush right, or justify. Justify in Word actually means left justify, so I’m going to call it that. Basically, justifying …

Tip #2: Centering is Lazy

It’s easy to make something look okay by centering it. But, I warn you, it will almost never get past okay—it will almost never be good.