40—Direct people’s gaze
Once you’ve made them look, it’s time to direct the person to what’s important. What is the graphic about in-depth? Why should people care? What action do you want people to take? To learn more about the proper order of …
39—Grab people’s eye.
Easier said than done? Yeah, you’re probably right. But it isn’t so hard as you think. The fact is, unless the person is walking around with their eyes closed (or is blind) they will at least see your work, now …
38—Consider time
This is the first tip I’ve posted in a while. My fulltime job is as Marketing Manager for a nonprofit that puts on a giant festival each April. It’s called the Tom Tom Founders Festival, and you should definitely check …
Tip #37: Gestalt—Closure
Closure is a little more tricky to explain, but basically, the figure can sometimes relate to the ground in ways that implies other objects. In other words, your mind can connect dots to create new images. The examples below all …