42—Create story with layout

Layout is a powerful tool to create intrigue and guide the eye over time. There aren’t hard-and-fast rules here; every composition is an experiment. Here are examples of some pretty successful ones: This poster by Josef Müller-Brockmann (the best poster …

41—Create story with color

One of the key ways to create a story in your design is to use transitions and contrasts of color. For example, using a gradient in your design is an easy way to lead the eye from one place to …

40—Direct people’s gaze

Once you’ve made them look, it’s time to direct the person to what’s important. What is the graphic about in-depth? Why should people care? What action do you want people to take? To learn more about the proper order of …

39—Grab people’s eye.

Easier said than done? Yeah, you’re probably right. But it isn’t so hard as you think. The fact is, unless the person is walking around with their eyes closed (or is blind) they will at least see your work, now …